“The profit is shared between all cooperative members using the cooperative principles”
Sam Goormans – Software Engineer
A seasoned full-stack developer who focuses on both frontend and backend. Java and Javascript are the (scripting) languages he uses to create custom projects.
Sam has been a MindWaver for 3 years and is currently a cooperative member at MindWave Belgium.
Software Engineer in heart and soul
“Java and Javascript are really my expertise. In IT you can apply yourself to an almost unlimited number of expertises: analyses, scrum management… During my education, it soon became clear that I am most interested in genuine programming, the development of applications. Programming is a bit like I used to play with lego. Building something and then showing a finished product to the outside world gives so much satisfaction.”

Close bond with colleagues
“MindWave is a very open organisation. We are all taken in the loop about anything within the company. All cooperative members are getting insight into the company figures down to the smallest detail. Because we are a medium-sized organisation, we also have a direct relationship with our colleagues, which is often less the case in larger companies.
We also get together as a group every now and then, even though we work for different customers. For example, we recently went to an escape room together. Also, we can always ask the founder, Johan, questions in person. It feels a bit like an informal get-together.”
Freedom to learn
“MindWave is a very stable employer that also involves me in determining which clients I work for. For example, I like working for the same client for a longer period of time. They take that into account. I also like to work close to home. This sometimes results in a search for the ideal match, but MindWave goes the extra mile for its cooperative members.
We also have an annual training budget that we are free to spend. If I want to buy a book or take a course in a certain programming language tomorrow, I can.”
Cooperative way of working
“We get a lot of freedom. Besides, MindWave Belgium is a cooperative where everything is about working and celebrating together. Every year the profit is shared between all cooperative members using the cooperative principles. That is a nice bonus. I even bought a house with it! Haha. No, not with the profit alone, but a little extra now and then goes a long way.”
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